Friday, January 05, 2007

Hogzilla Part Two

They grow 'em big in Georgia, apparently. A lot of my television viewing time is largely devoted to the block of channels that run from the National Geographic, Science Channel, Discovery/Times Channel, etc. (part of it derives from the fact that I like to at least to pretend to learn something while watching it). One of the most intriguing programs I viewed was one on the National Geographic channel about the search for a report 12 foot, 1,000 giant wild hog that was shot in the wilds back in 2004. The beast was given the name Hogzilla, and the National Geographic report of their findings is HERE

There are now reports, seen on the ESPN Hunting page, about a new contender for the Hogzilla throne, once again in Georgia. The newest trophy is being reported at weighing in at a cool 1,100 pounds.


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