Thursday, January 18, 2007

Art Buchwald, R.I.P.

A good bye and 'see ya on the other side' to the long time humorist, who passed away on Wednesday night at the age of 81.

I honestly can't say that I read that many of his books, but my paperback copy of Washington Is Leaking is one book that will never ever be sold, and will always remain one of those books which needs to be instantly accessible as the mood strikes.

Bought the book around the same time I was getting into the National Lampoon Magazine when I was an underclassmen in high school, and I can clearly remember giving a book report to an English class about it. Worst part of that was, I couldn't control my laughing at the satirical passages I'd picked out (I know for sure one of them was about the Indians wondering why they should celebrate the Bicentennial), so I don't know what kind of impression that made on my fellow classmates, no one really said anything as I walked back to my seat, but it sure felt good to laugh out loud like that.

Definitely not as memorable a moment as when one of our teachers was giving a speech by JFK in class, and one wiseacre got up, stood as if he had a rifle in his hands, and went BOOM!!!. Needless to say, the gales of laughter he received from his class mates was rewarded with a trip to the principals office.

Art's Obit

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