Thursday, April 12, 2007

"The Rich Are Very Different From You And Me"

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that early in the last century, and there have always been constant reminders of that difference since (not that there was any mistaking between classes before that aphorism was coined, mind you).

The obvious goal of any business is to make money, but a bank in England has apparently decided that they don't make enough money off of the ordinary, middle-class strugglers that are the bulk of English citizenry, and has decided to limit access to its employed staff only to those who have a certain amount of savings in the bank, a certain level of income, or a big mortgage. Even though this is happening in a rich area of England (Canford Cliffs, Dorset), there has been the predictable backlash against the new policy, especially from the elderly and the church.

I'm sure stuff like this is already happening at some level in the world already, this is just another big example of class difference. Full story from today's Guardian is HERE.

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