Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Big Convoy Is On The Way

In honesty, I really never thought much about the effect that the trucking industry had on my day to day life.....until I started work, about ten years ago, in a wholesale business that is dependent on that distribution system. It wasn't that I thought that the items in the various stores would magically appear by themselves, I just never really discerned the absolute value of the work that these people do, and how it is the linchpin of our economy.

Being involved in a wholesale business has really opened my eyes, and clearly defined this role for me. No longer am I in the haze concerning the shipment of goods to all corners of the globe, and that while there are always the inevitable delays that cause back orders of any number of things for timely shipments, I have to say that the system works very well.

Back to the here and now, it seems that a blockade of the nation's, indeed, all capitol buildings is on the cards for next week as a response to some legislature designed to have truckers from Mexico haul loads all across this country. There are loud calls in the trucking industry that this will be the ruin for many an independent trucking firm, and a decrease of trucking safety standards across the board, not to mention the lower wages for those left. Are these truckers being unnecessarily paranoid? My first inclination is to say "no, they're not", look at the outsourcing of other jobs to other countries.

Anyway, expect some traffic delays in all of the capitals next week, April 23rd through the 25th, and probably up and down the highways and interstates as well, as these gentlemen are in agreement that a point has to be made to the powers that be in Washington.




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