Saturday, July 14, 2007

Up And At Them, Peter!

Way to represent Congressman DeFazio. This is for keeping the whole SIMPSONS MOVIE PREMIERE IN VERMONT WHEN IT SHOULD BE IN OREGON question in the proper perspective by adding a certain amount of ridiculousness in his humorous letter of protestation over the curious result. The story in today's Albany paper is HERE.

Of course, the movie could be a total dog, with the same quality that recent seasons of the television series have exhibited, in which case we might not have anything to complain about. I did catch the two gents from KFLY's Donkey Show calling in on KPNW's SportsTalk this week, urging a boycott of the movie and of products from Vermont. That latter request seemed easy enough to do (maple syrup? just buy Canadian) but then it was pointed out the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream would be on that list as well, at which point both Steve and Nate paused and realized what they would have to give up, a tough decision to make indeed. Have to say that it would be hard for me, I am rather attracted to the Phish Food, though I am happy to admit that I am in no way a fan of the Vermont band.

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