Friday, July 27, 2007

Crispin Glover On Letterman: 20 Years Ago Saturday

Can't believe that it's been 20 years since the infamous Crispin Glover appearance on Late Night With David Letterman. Don't watch Dave as much as I used to back then, seeing as I had a job that started in the mid-afternoon, but my roomates and I would always end the day watching Letterman. This is the one clip that always sticks in my mind from those days, mostly because we were wondering what the hell kind of drugs, if any, was Glover on, and if he wasn't, then he was obviously the perfect choice for McFly in Back To The Future. (Have to mention his role in River's Edge in that sense as well). Slightly truncated version, the first bit of the interview, before it all unravels, is absent; sorrily I haven't gotten round to getting the best of my VHS tapes digitized yet.

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