Saturday, January 31, 2009

Broooce (Of Sorts)! Electrelane I'm On Fire

Since I'm not much of an NFL fan, I won't be tuning into tomorrow's Super Bore, especially as I'm not a fan of either team. I can't think of the last time I ever rooted for the Steelers in anything......and as for the Cardinals, about all I can recall of them is..........a very long run of mediocrity and a quarterback named Jim Hart from a long time ago. The last Super Bore I watched in its entirety was the 49er blowout of Denver however many years ago, so with that being said, I'll have no idea about the time of day when Broooce will be performing.

So in order to get my Broooce-fix tomorrow along with untold thousands, I'll be tuning into Brighton's finest combo Electrelane and their smoking cover of I'm On Fire; the least that people around the world should do tomorrow is buy the ELECTRELANE RARITIES DISC (with said Broooce cover included) so that he may acquire some more royalties, more money with which to soothe his troubled mind over having had to deal with WAL-MART. What would Great Pop Things have to say about that marriage?

At any rate, the fab Electrelane live in NYC ripping through I'm On Fire.

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