Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Friends Of Snuggles Care: Negativland's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

Apparently it's been 20 years since U2 released The Joshua Tree, with the usual remastered and expanded edition soon to be available for U2 consumers to buy for the fourth or fifth time. Can't forget the legal controversy over Negativland using samples from the U2 song, mixed with some choice Casey Kasem outtakes where he's swearing up a storm trying to introduce the band's debut song on American Top 40, and some various sound clips from a number of sources. A brilliant subversive montage that certainly adds another dimension to the song.

The audio version for this clip is the Special Edit Radio Mix, where Kasem really goes ballistic, with his rants (and other 'found sounds') on top of the songs rhythm track which features a kazoo playing the vocal lines. It's not the A Capella Mix, the version featuring a nasally-voiced man ad-libbing the songs lyrics at literally face value (love the bit about the STP and 409 cleaners). The audio is NSFW!

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