Sorry, no lost archival footage from the show from either band here, just a note to remember one of the most frenzied shows I've ever had the pleasure to witness. The smart folks at John Bauer, along with the EMU Cultural Forum, had the good sense to bring to Eugene, for the first time ever I think, the Ramones along with Vancouver's brilliant D.O.A. in a sonic assault for their eager fans at the EMU Ballroom.
This post is dedicated to the memory of a lost friend, Cary, who I had the good fortune to turn onto the Ramones, away from the dreary stadium rock that he'd grown up on. We cruised to the show in our self-styled Ramonesmobile eagerly looking forward to the show; what we got surpassed our expectations by a mile. Cary was right up front bouncing around with the best of them, and he enjoyed the show so much that he wound up getting Dee Dee's bass pick, Dee Dee had told him that it was cool to see him enjoying the music so much.
The Ramones were touring behind Subterranean Jungle, in my mind an underrated album in the Ramones catalog. D.O.A. had released War On 45 a little bit earlier; of course, opening for the bruddahs, Joey Shithead and the band made an excellent showing in front of the rabid audience.
Cary only lived a couple of years after this show, but he always thanked me for playing him the Ramones, and always with a smile on his face as he did. I'm always smiling at the memories of this show, both for the music and for Cary. Thanks buddy, I had a great time indeed. R.I.P. (And R.I.P. to Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee as well....thanks for your music.)
The Ramones covering Time Has Come Today on a date a few weeks before Eugene (bootleg audio over the album cover, good quality), and D.O.A. from 1981 telling someone to Get Out Of My Life.
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