Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Idiot Of The Day Award

(actually, for a lot longer than that probably!) That would be the clueless a-hole driving north on Main Steet in Springfield today, about 1 p.m., by the light/crosswalk just south of the Safeway store.

A disabled man in a scooter was crossing the street legally (all of the lights were red, and weren't about to turn green; I could see the east/west lights from my company vehicle). He'd made it to the first of the northbound lanes, just past the turning lanes, and was a second or two from reaching the farthest of those lanes, when said idiot blows past the red light without slowing down at all, missing that poor gentlemen by just a couple of feet. Doesn't really matter that he was doing the speed limit, I can speak for the cars in front of me that the vision of that soul being splattered by some careless asshole was something we were going to have to quickly deal with. I was in the left lane going north, ready to reach my next stop just past the 126 interchange. Fortuntely, the guy in the scooter stopped just in time and everyone breathed huge sigh of relief.

To compound the stupidity of the situation, this idiot turned into the Safeway parking lot and calmly got out of his car, going about his business (he wasn't going to the grocery store, but rather one of the other businesses sidling the lot next to Main Street); unfortunately, the traffic was moving by this point and I could not get over to the right hand lane to ask this guy what in the world he was thinking about, all I can sincerely hope is that karma soon teaches this young man to think about more than himself at all times.

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