Friday, November 09, 2007

Oregon O-Line Clones

Some more karma and jungle love toward Oregon from Rome today, when the radio man made good on his word and had three of the members of the engine that drives the high-powered Duck offense on to share their thoughts on the season so far.

Geoff Schwartz is apparently the original clone amongst that group that also included Max Unger and Jeff Kendall, and while Kendall may not have listened to Rome's show as long as Schwartz had, he certainly knew what to do when the interview ended and went ahead with a classic rant that brought a smile to many who heard it, and I'm not just speaking about Duck fans either.

For the record, the interview started around 10:35 a.m. PST, I listening en route to my next stop for work, and by the time that Kendall's rant was going, I had arrived and was preparing for the segment to end so that I could continue with my work. Smoothly, Kendall went from one issue to the next (great to hear that he mentioned the butt-kicking that Arizona laid down on the Ducks last season, an indication that the highly-ranked Ducks have not forgotten that loss at all), while Rome gasped at one point "There's more?!?", before Kendall addressed another topic. Kendall's rant made the huge-call-of-the-day, at which point we got to hear it in its entirety again. Way to go guys, this interview helped to turn around a lousy Friday, and you will be repaid in kind come December 1st again, when we will fill Autzen for the beat down of the bark rats. Not sure how long this clip will last, so enjoy it while you can.

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